Weight Loss in the New Year: Need Motivation? It's NOT Just Willpower

Women I talk to often say things like: I just need to have more willpower.  Or I don’t know why I don’t have the willpower or motivation to lose weight.

As women we’ve been lead to believe that willpower is the key to achieving their weight loss goals, but it doesn’t work, leads to frustration, guilt and shame when we fail again.  

You want lasting habits so simply focusing on willing yourself to a goal only results in short term results.  If you want to make lasting changes that resulting in long term sustained weight loss, you need more than just to buckle down with a burst of willpower.


So what is willpower? Willpower is control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.  It’s really about making yourself do something that you don’t truly want to do.

It requires you to use a lot of energy because you are forcing your way into a goal that you may not really want.  And this can leave you exhausted.


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